
Kyushu Medical Bioindustry Division

Creating a brighter future

Organizational Structure

Our Bioindustry Division consists of Research and Development, Production, and Sales departments, and the Overseas Marketing Section, which develop strategies for sales in overseas markets such as Indonesia.

Research and Development

We develop technologies that utilize the capacity of various microorganisms to create environment-friendly products for aquaculture, agriculture, and livestock industries. The research and development department also collaborates with departments of universities, public institutions, and companies.


We perform large-scale production of microorganisms by using our own culture technique?a jar fermenter. Since the fermentation tank is completely sterile prior to the process, we can use pure microbial strains. Our quality management protocols are thorough, and we employ various analyses, such as real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), to identify the target microbial strain.


Shipment of the finished product for our domestic/overseas customers is done on request. We have also participated in exhibitions held both in Japan and overseas, and many customers have visited us and expressed interest in our technology.

Overseas Strategy

We have introduced our products to overseas customers from countries such as Indonesia via seminars and sales activities. Our products are also available for online purchase on popular online market places such as Alibaba.

Overseas Strategy
Overseas Strategy
Overseas Strategy